"Introducing Image2PDF, your ultimate solution for converting images to high-quality PDF files with ease. Whether you're a student, professional, or anyone needing to compile images into a single, shareable document, this app has you covered. With Image2PDF , you can quickly convert various image formats, including JPG, PNG, BMP, and more, into PDF files within seconds. Simply select your images from your device's gallery or capture new ones using the built-in camera feature. Crop,Filter, Rotate and Draw anything, and let Image2PDF do the rest. Key Features: - Effortlessly convert images to PDFs: Supports various image formats for conversion. - Intuitive user interface: Streamlined design for easy navigation and usage. - Customization options: Adjust page orientation, margins, and more to suit your needs. - Fast and reliable: Convert images into PDF quickly and accurately. - Work offline : Easily Convert images to PDF offline. - Flashlight : Image 2 PDF gives the option to scan documents even in pitch dark environment by allowing you to switch ON flashlight of your smart phone. - Old to New : Scan old pictures of your loved ones and make them sharp and new by editing it with advance tools available in app. - Share pdf file : Share your PDF files with the help of Air drop, Whatsapp etc. - No login required - We respect your privacy so you don't have to login anywhere just install and you are ready to go. Image2PDF is your go-to tool for converting images to PDFs hassle-free. Download now and experience the convenience of digital document management!"
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